Motu News

Here's where you can find out how Motu Research is making and breaking news.

161 - 166 of 166 items

Wellington Gold Awards Finalists

We are very proud to announce that Motu is a finalist in the Supporting Gold category (services and infrastructure) of The Wellington Gold Awards, which honour successful Wellington-based businesses.  We're up against an interesting bunch of…

Majority of New Zealanders are concerned about climate change and taking actions that reduce emissions

A strong majority of New Zealanders are concerned about climate change and taking actions that reduce household emissions, according to a recent survey. Researchers at Motu Economic and Public Policy Research, an independent, not-for-profit research institute,…

Planning Regulations and Costs

Yesterday, Grant Spencer, the Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand made a speech about reducing housing imbalances. His speech quoted a working paper by Motu Economic and Public Policy Research - a…

What did the GFC do to house prices in NZ?

The global financial crisis is still having an impact on New Zealand eight years later. Researchers at Motu Economic and Public Policy Research - a not-for-profit, non-partisan research institute – have just published an article…

Check out video of Arthur Grimes presenting on Value and Culture

Manatū Taonga - the Ministry for Culture and Heritage has recently published video of Motu Senior Fellow Arthur Grimes presenting “Value and Culture - An Economic Framework”. The video is intended as a resource to accompany “Value and…

Christchurch workers bounce back, study says

RNZ News have an article and a short audio piece on our recent paper on the effects of the Canterbury earthquakes on workers.